Behind The Artworks: The Machinist - Contempt For Life (2025)

The front cover depicts a technological interpretation of Kali, A Hindu goddess most commonly associated with death and destruction, and it’s pretty obvious what we’re trying to say here, really.

We wanted a cover that could capture in the most certain terms what we meant by “Contempt For Life”, namely, something that works towards and desires the destruction of all life. The image of Kali is one that kept cropping up in our heads. While there certainly have been other depictions on other albums, we think our flavor of her is definitely more visceral, and perhaps less traditional, as to some degree we will be the authors of our downfall.

But that’s the least of the artwork, the inner booklet is adorned with an even more intimidating piece, The Tunnel Of Death! A parody of The Vision Of The Empyrean by Gustave Dore, another somewhat spellbinding piece that just draws you into the vortex.

Duncan Macpherson did an extremely good job of capturing the bleakness and grimness of our vision, and it's a nightmarish piece that reveals more the more you look at it. He’s honed in like a laser into the mood we wanted to protect and we are so proud to have his work on our album and shirts!

Despite all this emphasis on death and destruction, no, we don’t want to see everyone and everybody dead. We’re not psychopaths.

We at least want people to hear our album first. You can die all you want after that.

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