Behind The Artworks: MAW - The Humble Collapse (2025)

The artwork was created by Martyna's friend Ryan Hoebbel, who she met after moving to Florida.

He's a local artist and graphic designer based in St. Petersburg, Florida.

The idea for the artwork was born in a kava/kratom bar as St. Pete is the capital of the world if it comes to this type of bar, where Martyna, her husband Kamil, and Ryan had been spending a lot of time.

They started discussing different ideas that'd match the overall vibe and circumstances of the writing process and that might extend the meaning of the title.

They came up with the idea of an almost abandoned city as a symbol of the world/civilization.

Sandy slowly dissipates skyscrapers and derailed train cars which also refers to the music video in which each member of our band travels by a train in their own direction of life while still being connected by music that we've created together. You cannot see a living person on the artwork but there's a tent next to the train car.

That brings contrast to the skyscrapers. Exactly the same contrast you can observe in many big cities nowadays.

We thought that this album cover quite well represents what we wanted to say with this album. It shows both the world situation as well as the emotions we felt while we were writing this music.

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