Behind The Scenes: Aeons - Home (Official Video)

We shot the 'Home' video completely ourselves on the coldest day of the year in the Isle of Man. We loved the atmosphere of the dark field, away from city lights, where we could add our own lights in that enigmatic circle with some side fills to really capture the stark comparison between the black of our clothes and the luminance that seemed to surround us. After about 7 takes everyone was numb to the bone but the end result was worth it. While the footage looked great in 4K we decided to digitally distort it to add an ambience to the piece befitting its astronomical theme.
The song is a discussion about the futre of humanity amongst the stars. As technology races ahead to allow us our first steps into the great universe that surrounds us, we need to understand ourselves as much as we do what trials are ahead of us. When the first human steps foot on Mars, in whose name will that be ? Mankind? Or just one country - one politic - one religion. That's not representative of humanity thats a sect. In order to accomplish these great feats of exploration we need to set aside our petty differences, our squabbles, our manufactured religions and our xenophobic, invisible borders. We need to act as one. The universe has no need of God. The universe has no care for the profits of corporations nor the whimsy of dictators. It will need all our ingenuity and capability to come together to conquer space and travel outside our solar system. To allow humanity to live on and propser past the desolation we are visiting upon our own planet right now, seemingly without a care. We need to be more than what we are. We need to be more than our monsters.Becuase out there, there is a 'Home', for us all to find.

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