Behind The Scenes: MEDUSIAN - Toymaker (Official Video)
Filming our video for Toymaker was a lot of fun and a lot of work. The song and video tell the story of an aging artist reflecting on his life's work who comes face to face with a battle for self-acceptance and the struggles attached to it. We shot the video in the basement of a friend's house, which was full of stuff and was effectively his workshop mixed with a storage unit. We went out there multiple times to build the set the way we needed it to look. After cleaning out one room, we needed to make it look like a home or workshop from the 1800s. As an affordable alternative to wallpaper, which we couldn't hang on concrete wells very effectively anyway, we bought bedsheets with Victorian decorative patterns on them. After that, our vocalist's partner Luella (who contributed huge amounts of help both organizing, planning, and set design) starched the bedsheets to make them stiff, and we then nailed them to a wooden support beam we made out of extra wood from our friend's workshop. Finishing up the set was a work desk with whatever tools we could find that looked older, pieces of firewood to look like woodworking material, scattered wood chips, and a candle that we stuck nails in the side of (an old trick people used to tell time hundreds of years ago, the idea being the wax melts and a nail will fall and make a noise so you know how long it has been).
It was mid-November in rural Sweden, and we were all just in our outfits for the video (our button-up shirts, vests, dress pants, etc) in an unheated basement. It wasn't too bad but the cold naturally got worse the longer the shoot went on. We took turns upstairs with the fireplace while the others were shooting their parts. The ceiling was about 180 cm high, luckily everyone in the band is on the shorter side, but our director Robert, and a friend of the band who played the Toymaker character in the video were both taller men and had to kneel, lean on walls, or slouch a lot to not hit their heads. Everything had its difficulties but it had a romanticism to it, artists getting together to make a piece of art about the process of artistry and its struggles, we're all in a cold basement together taking turns getting warm by a fireplace.
Really fun video, and really fun people, we had a great time making it and we hope you enjoy it!
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