Interviews About Albums: Ephemera - For Those Afraid To Die (2025)
In this new interview, we sat down with the UK Metalcore/Hardcore band Ephemera to ask questions about their album, "For Those Afraid To Die".
1. What can you say about this new EP?
Well the ep for us marks a turning of the tides. We went through a lot and decided to show that artistically. As a result, it’s changed and developed our sound. We are very lucky to use our struggles as influences and inspiration to create. We know as well that the concept of heaven, hell, and the in-between came from the darkness and struggle.
2. What is the meaning of the EP name?
For Those Afraid To put it bluntly there was a severe suicide scare in the band and the statement was, “I want to die but I’m too scared to do it.” As a band of brothers we love and support each other so much so we made this ep out of simply being pro-active and supportive. We have really found our friends throughout this process and couldn’t be stronger as a result.
3. Which one is the composer of the EP?
'Heaven' came first. We wrote that and Mason aimed the lyrics as directly as he could at tackling the mental health problems. That set the theme. We then wrote 'House Fire' and this was the hell side, the anger, the hate, the frustration. Then we finished writing 'Origin' and 'For Those Afraid To Die' as a joint pair, showing the in-between. The purgatory.
4. If you had to pick one song, which one would you pick?
For preference we all choose different songs, but 'Heaven' although not the heaviest on the EP set the bar and set the running theme. This inspired the rest.
5. Is there a special message in this EP? If there is what is it?
DON'T GIVE UP. EVER. TALK. YOU ARE MEANT TO BE HERE, YOU ARE MEANT TO EXIST FOR A PURPOSE AND YOU DESERVE TO BE LOVED. SUPPORT EACH OTHER. GIVE THAT FRIEND A MESSAGE YOU'VE LOST TOUCH WITH. We are only here for a short time. Live it to the best of your abilities and never question if you should be here. You should.
6. Are there some lyrics that you'd love to share?
I think each song has its own theme and purpose and it’s up to the listener to interpret it how they see fit. Once you release music it’s no longer ours, it’s yours to use and read into and relate to how you want to. We just hope you take from this the message of love and support and to keep fighting no matter how hard it gets.
7. Which inspirations have been important for this album? Like musically or friends, family, someone you'd love to thank especially?
This one is a nice answer. Our guitarist used the chords of 'Origin' and led into 'For Those Afraid To Die' to get his new baby sung to sleep. He was playing these to him every night to send him off and that tranquil peace was what inspired track 1 into track 2.
8. Something to add?
Yeah, thank you for taking the time to read this. Mosh. Don’t just stand there, express yourself. Get that tattoo, tell that person you love them, make clear your intentions and always remember you’ll never be THIS young again. Be brave, liv,e and don’t hold back.
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