Interviews: Blood Druid

On this new occasion, we had the opportunity to interview the Metalcore/Nu-Metal band Blood Druid from the USA. Check out the interview and follow the band on their FACEBOOK PAGE.

1. Where did you get the idea for the band name? Was it planned, or did it just happen organically?

I was about to go to bed and right before it just came to me I instantly texted the group chat with the name and they all liked it. 

2. Why did you choose to play this genre?

Originally we wanted to be more Death Metal but we couldn't find a drummer and we decided to go in a more Nu-Metal, Metalcore sound by just slowing down most of our songs. Then after that, we ended up finding our drummer. 

3. Did you know each other before forming the band?

I (the guitarist) knew the singer because at the time we were doing a rock band and after I left I started Blood Druid and was posting videos on TikTok and the singer saw them and wanted in. As for the drummer and bassist, we put out ads on Craigslist and found them. 

4. What is each band member's favorite band?

The Singers Pantera, Guitarist Korn, Bassist

5. Who or what inspires you to write songs?

Pretty much anything and everything, we will write anything the next EP we are working on will definitely be diverse. 

6. Where was your last gig?

Mulligans Pub in Grand Rapids Michigan 

7. Where would you like to perform in the future?

Probably the Intersection in Grand Rapids 

8. Which artist or band would you like to collaborate with?

That's an easy one Slipknot all the way 

9. Is there anyone you wouldn’t want to collaborate with?

Phil Anselmo 

10. Have any of you ever experienced stage fright? Do you have any tips for beginners on overcoming it?

The last show we played was our bassist's first ever, he got over it by having a bunch of his friends in the front row take a bit of the edge off. 

11. Which bands have influenced you the most?

Mostly Nu-Metal that's what we all grew up on so we are always going back to it.

12. What's the weirdest thing a fan has ever asked you for?

To sign their shoe. 

13. What do you think of your fans?

They go hard and that's all we ask. 

14. Is there anything else you’d like to add?

We are working on a new 4 song EP coming out sometime next month so be ready. 

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