Interviews: FREYCUS

On this new occasion, we had the opportunity to interview the Progressive Metal band FREYCUS from the USA. Check out the interview and follow the band on their FACEBOOK PAGE.

1. Where did you get the idea for the band name? Was it planned, or did it just happen organically? 

Chuck: Ideas come out at the most random time and place. It was a sunny day sometime in 2012/2013. I was sitting on the toilet (lol), looking for the “Word of the Day” in my thesaurus app, and then boom, “Fracas” (pronounced: fray-kuhs) appeared. I loved what it meant, and it immediately resonated with me that very moment because Freycus at the time did not have a name yet. I don’t know what made me spell it differently, but it looks cool, doesn’t it?

2. Why did you choose to play this genre?

Chuck: Freycus did not start with the modern/prog metal genre, just FYI. I started this band with two of my friends, and we played punk/alternative metal. It was like listening to Queens of the Stone Age mixed with The Casualties and the Deftones. But, as years progressed, the vision/music evolved and now we’re stepping into what we are today. Honestly, I still think we’re developing our sound. Did you know each other before forming the band? 

Zareh: I actually had seen Chuck and Urian a few times coming out of MDM Rehearsal back when I was with my first band. We may have exchanged a few words here and there, but it wasn’t until a few years later that we truly introduced ourselves and jammed at that very rehearsal spot. 

Chuck: When I gave birth to this band many moons ago, the members you see now, were not what Freycus started with. I knew Uri (bass) before he joined, and I knew of Z (guitar) when he was in another band. Donny (drums) came in around early 2022, and PeeKay (vocals) came just last September 2024. I guess you can say, in the last 5-6 years, Freycus had a “fresh start”. Though Freycus has been around for a long time with many roster changes, I feel like everything happens for a reason. It takes a lot of ups and downs to get where you want to be in life, you just have to stay true to yourself and what you believe in. The people I’m doing this with are amazing people, and I am so thankful.

4. What is each band member's favorite band? 

Chuck: There are too many to list, but if I were to choose one, it would be the Deftones. Lol, despite Chino slurring his words more than half the time, these guys write bangers. Been a fan of theirs since 2003 when I first heard “My Own Summer” and “Change in the House of Flies”. 

Donny: It's definitely hard to choose, but Vildhjarta would have to be my favorite right now. I love the metal style that they've created, it's super creative and sounds almost futuristic to me. It's very inspiring! 

Peekay: Too many to choose from but I’d have to say Pantera.

5. Who or what inspires you to write songs? 

Chuck: Music. I know that sounds “cliche”, but when it can make you feel a certain way, it drives you to create.

6. Where was your last gig? 

Chuck: My last gig was back in early 2020 before COVID shut everything down. Freycus was ready to hit the scene starting with a show at The Viper Room. Despite the “wtf” moments up on stage; it was awesome. However, once the entire world came to a stop, everything completely changed for us. 

Peekay: My last gig was in India but not (yet) with Freycus. My band “Peekay” opened for Avenged Sevenfold at Bandland.

7. Where would you like to perform in the future? 

Chuck: All over the world. I just want to be out there, and experience life. I’m grateful I get to wake up every day, regardless of some of those days can be challenging. And through music, I want to share my love for it with everyone. 

Peekay: Europe and North America. All over! 

8. Which artist or band would you like to collaborate with? 

Chuck: This question literally is a separate interview on its own, lol. I would like to work with Post Malone. I think his creativity, uniqueness and the “not giving a f***” on self-expression is what I’m gravitating to. One day Posty, we’ll collab. 

Peekay: Bad Omens.

9. Is there anyone you wouldn’t want to collaborate with? 

Chuck: I don’t know any that I would not want to work with, honestly. But, to those who are not humble and grounded, I’ll kindly pass. 

Peekay: No I don’t think so!

10. Have any of you ever experienced stage fright? Do you have any tips for beginners on overcoming it? 

Chuck: I don’t get stage fright, or maybe I can’t think of the last time I ever experienced it. But, a good tip I can give is to have fun. Yes, it’s frightening. But you’re up on stage doing what you love, and it’s not easy. You need to give yourself credit because you’re doing what others dream of doing! 

Peekay: My very first gig I ever played 18 years ago I was so scared I just moved into the back of the stage in the shadows so NO ONE could see me and neither could I see them. But now I loveeee being on stage. It’s part of who I am. 

11. Which bands have influenced you the most? 

Donny: For me as a drummer, bands like Animals As Leaders and Meshuggah are at the top of the list. They use very unique and interesting rhythmic ideas that just never get old. I also remember introducing Freycus to Intronaut and their use of odd times and weird song structures have definitely influenced some of our writing. 

Chuck: Deftones; they did it for me when I first heard them in 2003. To this day, I enjoy everything they’ve put out; well, almost everything…I’m still not convinced by GORE (lol). The dynamic of musical influences they have definitely shows what they’ve been putting out there. Yeah, I’ll admit, they’re not for everybody. But, I think that’s the beauty of taking risks through your music. You stick to it because you believe in it. 

Peekay: Tool. Both lyrically and in the mood they create. But also Linkin Park and Black label Society.

12. What's the weirdest thing a fan has ever asked you for? 

Chuck: lol, define “weird”. Because I haven’t gone there yet. 

Peekay: A fan asked if I could spit in his hand.

13. What do you think of your fans? 

Chuck: Amazing. I can’t thank them enough for sticking by Freycus for over a decade. I’m a fan of Freycus too, and when I listen to our songs or jam out to them; I always imagine what it would be like if I were one of the audience members watching a live set. It’s a really cool feeling to have. 

Peekay: I wouldn’t be here in America without their support for me as an artist. 

14. What do you think of our site? 

Chuck: The metal horns mouse pointer thing is cool, lol. I really like the overall agenda of the site. Getting to see new music is such a great help, and as musicians, we need that. Keep up the great work! 

15. Is there anything else you’d like to add? 

Chuck: This is not an easy job, but if you believe in it, it’ll happen. So keep going!!!

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