Interviews: MAW
On this new occasion, we had the opportunity to interview the Desert Rock/Stoner Rock band MAW from Poland. Check out the interview and follow the band on their FACEBOOK PAGE.
1. Where did you get the idea for the band name, did you plan it or come out just like that?
We've never planned that name. Actually, it was our former drummer Michał Gawroński who recorded with us the first self-titled album,
that always wanted to have a band with that name.
And we really liked that name so we took it. I wanted to name us "South Of The Middle" but no one else liked it. I'm glad it didn't go through, tho :D
2. Why did you want to play this genre?
At that time, my boyfriend and now my husband showed me Kyuss and I immediately fell in love with it. I knew Black Sabbath and so on but it was that freedom of form,
this rumbling low end, those dusty riffs, their songs growing. They started big and when you think it cannot be bigger, wider they're able to force it to be.
Just amazing. This brought me to the point that I felt I wanted to play something like that. It also made me want to go and visit Palm Desert and Sky Valley which I did not do that much later. And I can only tell that this music over there sounds so right, so true that it's beyond me how this band can transform the whole landscapes, mountains, dust, the vibe and so on into music.
3. Did you know each other before the band was formed?
No, I just started a search for the right musicians immediately after hearing Kyuss. I thought it's gonna be hard as in my eyes no one knew Kyuss but I was wrong.
4. Each band member's favourite band?
Well in my case it's hard to pick just one. My first and forever love is Pink Floyd but now I'd have to add Kyuss and probably Alice In Chains.
Kuba Stepien the other guitarist's favourite band would probably be one of these five: The Beatles, Pink Floyd, Black Sabbath, The Stooges, and Electric Masada. He won't be probably able to pick one of these anyway.
Piotr Stepien bassist always divided it into groups so I know that he loves Polish post-punk from 80s bands like Siekera and similar bands to mine like Kyuss, Black Sabbath, and Om for our genre. If it comes to our vocalists that's gonna be Voidhanger, Pantera, Prodigy and Ministry.
Our drummer Szymon Piotrowski, well he owns a studio, records every genre and listens and listens to so many different things that I highly doubt he has one favourite band.
Maybe one per some very specific micro-genre but not one above all. In the past, he liked Gorefest, Tool, FearFactory, Alice in Chains, Stone Temple Pilots, and Tiamat.
5. Who or what inspires you to write songs?
Life is the biggest inspiration. This day-to-day life as well as of course big events and in my case travels.
6. Where was your last gig?
I think it was Warsaw but it's been a while since it was before covid happened.
7. Where would you like to act?
Orphium or Brass Mug in Tampa, Florida but to be honest while I know it's not original at all, at legendary The Nude Bowl.
You know the swimming pool and the abandoned house at the hill close to Palm Springs where all the Palm Desert scene was playing.
You can see very very young Kyuss performing there. But that's the dream and it's not gonna probably happen as those days will not come back.
But actually, anything that cool, DIY, somewhere in the desert or at some awesome wild Floridian or Californian beach would work for me.
8. Whom would you like to feature with?
If it comes to playing live or opening for any of these would be a huge achievement:
Queens Of The Stone Age, Down, Corrosion Of Conformity, High On Fire, Sleep, Brant Bjork, Crowbar, Guns N' Roses, Tool, Alice In Chains
the list can go on and on there's a lot of bands that I adore.
If it comes to writing music with someone then I'd love to be able to have any one of these:
Jash Hommie, Jerry Cantrell, Phil Anselmo, Maynard James Keenan, Pepper Keenan or Brant Bjork on drums.
But my biggest dream would be to have Gilmour sing and play a solo to my track, of course.
9. Whom not?
I don't know... Piotr Luczyk lol. Actually, anyone who has a really crazy ego to the point that's almost impossible to write/play with them.
10. Have any of you ever suffered from stage fright? Any tips for beginners on how to beat that?
Yes, of course, but it's only present just before going on stage. While on stage it's all that I love so it goes away quickly.
As a tip just think it's a rehearsal and if you had been able to play everything fine during your band practises you're gonna be good.
Muscle memory will do the job. Concentrate on having fun, no one really cares about mistakes as long as you're doing amazing performance.
When people see that you're having fun and it's all honest they will have fun too. It's guaranteed.
11. What bands have inspired you the most?
For the band it'd be Kyuss, Sleep, My Sleeping Karma, Tool, Om, Fu Manchu, Down, Alabama Thunderpussy (Rise Again especially), Pink Floyd, Jethro Tull, and of course Black Sabbath.
For me personally, I'd add Jack White, Queens Of The Stone Age, Alice In Chains, Ten Years After, Melvins, High On Fire
12. What's the weirdest thing a fan has ever asked you for?
I don't recall any weird questions from the audience or fans, however,r once we played with a band whose bassist came to me before the show and said "We'll destroy you with our riffs" It was hilarious as he was serious :D
13. What do you think of your fans?
I appreciate everyone who chooses to spend their time listening to our music, spend their money to go to a show or buy a physical copy of our album.
Really there are so many great bands that this really means something to me that someone likes us enough to spend a piece of their life with our music.
14. What do you think of our site?
It's great, keep up the great job as I can see a sheer amount of work that is needed to maintain something like that. Especially supporting smaller, underground artists when you know that it doesn't generate as many clicks as some mainstream dramas. I appreciate that.
15. Something to add?
I hope you'll enjoy our newest release "The Humble Collapse". See y'all somewhere in the world! Ride on!
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