Interviews: Plague Of Stars

On this new occasion, we had the opportunity to interview the Doom Metal/Gothic Metal band Plague Of Stars from the USA. Check out the interview and follow the band on their FACEBOOK PAGE.

1. Where did you get the idea for the band name, did you plan it or come out just like that?

The goal of finding the name was to find something that attempted to define what we were/are; the name had to encapsulate something dark and yet somehow beautiful. So a Plague of Stars felt like a great way for the world to end.

2. Why did you want to play this genre?

We all love metal and its adjacent genres. We really loved the idea of combining doomy/death metal with a female vocalist.

3. Did you know each other before the band was formed?

For sure! Will and Lanik had been involved with projects And Hope to Die and We Are Legion together before Plague of Stars was launched in 2012. Will (guitar), Melissa (former singer) and Lanik (drums) started this band and had a few different members play guitar and bass, landing with Frodo on guitar in 2019 and Neal on bass in 2020. Neal was also in We Are Legion. We knew Frodo and Liz from the scene and had played shows with their other bands. When Melissa decided to step away in 2023, we asked Liz to join us. It’s a lot of 6 degrees happening, lol!

4. Each band member's favorite band?

Lanik: That is a horribly tough question. I’d say Between the Buried and Me.

Will: Probably Machine Head if I had to pick one. But Opeth, In Flames, and Carcass all come to mind as well.

Frodo: This changes a lot, but if I had to narrow it down probably Type O Negative, Lacuna Coil, Nevermore, Gojira, and Avatar would be at the top.

Liz: I can’t pick one, but I can give you the top 5: Gojira, Fleshgod Apocalypse, Septicflesh, Ne Obliviscaris, and Aquilus 

Neal: GWAR, Meshuggah, Weird Al Yankovich.

5. Who or what inspires you to write songs? 

Will: Music and Inspiration are everywhere. The World is full of darkness and beauty to pull from. It’s a beautiful world full of awful world leaders trying to glean whatever they can take from the people they supposedly lead. We all fall for the politicians and their grandiose lies, so basically that’s what makes me play music.

Frodo: I typically find a theme and just start exploring the different emotions that fit that theme and translate that to music. When we started writing for what became the Extinction album, Melissa had mentioned she wanted to do an opera about religious psychosis, so a lot of what I wrote based on that had a darker tone to it.

Liz: I usually listen to the song themes being presented and try to find the emotion tied to it. I derive a lot of my lyric inspiration from poetry, science/historical literature, and storytelling.

Lanik: I am always inspired by my bandmates and their uncanny ability to write amazing riffs, melodies, basslines, and vocalization from the depths of Hell to the Heavens above. It's so rewarding to have cohesion and creativity at the level we do. It inspires me to bring my A-game. Also, other music and life play a part in that as with most musicians.

6. Where was your last gig?

Our Last one was at the Amsterdam in St. Paul, MN opening up for the amazing Unleash the Archers. What a fantastic show!

7. Where would you like to act?

We just love to play, playing in Europe or Japan would be a dream come true! Also, the 70k Tons of Metal Cruise and of course, Wacken.

8. Whom would you like to feature with?

Will: Opening up for a big inspiration like Opeth or Nightwish would be amazing. Being able to meet and open for Within Temptation was a dream come true for many of me! To play with anyone who is heavy and interesting is really the goal.

Liz: I just love to play shows! But if I ever got to open for any of the bands I mentioned earlier, I could die happy.

Lanik: I think a dream gig for us would include any of our biggest influences. We’ve had the chance to play with some! (Within Temptation, Evanescence, Halestorm, November’s Doom, Omnium Gathering, Amorphis, Dark Tranquility, Moonspell, 3 Tremors)

9. Whom not?

No Comment, haha.

10. Have any of you ever suffered from stage fright? Any tips for beginners on how to beat that?

Will: Even after 20 years, I still have a little nervous before shows. Nothing cures it per se, other than just continuing to do it. After the first 30 seconds, it's fun again and the nerves are gone!

Liz: No, but I am constantly speaking/singing in front of people (I’m a teacher/choir director) so you lose that fright quickly. My advice for stage fright is to do breath work before going on stage, breathe in for 4 counts, and out for 8-12 counts. Also, the more you do it, the more comfortable you will become, so maybe find some open mic nights or karaoke bars to just get some experience. 

Lanik: I don’t know if it qualifies as stage fright, but I’ve always had a fear of screwing up live lol. Over the years, I have developed a lot of confidence on stage and letting go of worry which have certainly given me the ability to give my best performances. It takes A LOT of mental practice and preparation. Try to perform a good amount of warming up and getting in the zone before you go on stage(especially you drummers!) as it will allow you to perform without physical hiccups.

11. What bands have inspired you the most?

Will: So many to mention. BTBAM, Machine Head, Black Sabbath, At the Gates, Metallica, Black Dahlia, Morbid Angel, how much time have ya got?

Frodo: Late 90’s/early 2000’s In Flames drastically changed my outlook on playing guitar. Gojira also had a pretty big impact on how I approach songwriting. 

Liz: I will never forget 2 moments that changed it all for me: when I heard Children of Bodom for the first time and realized how metal keyboards could be and also when I saw Arch Enemy for the first time when I was 15. I never knew the singer was a woman (Angela Gassow) and was absolutely floored that a woman could do harsh vocals. That changed everything for a teenage Liz.

Lanik: There are just so many to name, but my list is very similar to Will’s. I am also a big supporter of anything local that is going on in our scene at any given moment. There are many local acts in our Twin Cities that absolutely floor me!

12. What's the weirdest thing a fan has ever asked you for?

Will: I just like being able to talk to fans and friends, it will not be “weird” when a fan asks for my signature, simply because I view myself as a fan and musician myself vs anything/anyone special. Not to say I'm not appreciative, because I am but this comes from a place of being just like everyone else, at least I feel that way.

Liz: Once when I was playing with my former band, Portraits of War, someone asked me out on a date while I was trying to load on stage with a short change over time. The dude wouldn’t leave me alone and then followed me to the merch booth after... it didn’t work. It’s always an interesting feeling when fans want pictures with me, because I’m just a normal person with an expensive hobby, lol! 

Lanik: Honestly, I am a drummer and we get very little weirdness let alone attention at all LOL. Most of the fans usually ask for us to sign CD booklets or I give out drumsticks. It’s very surreal for me to sign something.

13. What do you think of your fans? 

We immensely appreciate anyone who takes the time to check out our music or our songs, even if they hate it, they still gave us 3 minutes of their life. The goal with music has always been to hopefully relate to someone through the music. Growing up, listening to music was therapeutic for us. So to fans, friends, and folks who come to shows: Thank you! 

14. What do you think of our site?

We’re new to it. Given this opportunity, we look forward to finding out about more cool music and bands to check out and possibly play with!

15. Something to add?

Thank you for taking the time to say hello and promote this release. Plague of Stars has been around for a long time and we are happy we have been able to keep making music we are proud of. The fact other people enjoy it is a gigantic bonus! Thank you for the interview! It is much appreciated!

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