Interviews: Sypha

On this new occasion, we had the opportunity to interview the Metal band Sypha from the UK. Check out the interview and follow the band on their FACEBOOK PAGE.

1. Where did you get the idea for the band name, you planned it or did it just come out like that?

The name was inspired by the Castlevania series which a couple of us were watching at the time. I think pretty much everyone in the band had an affiliation with the games or the animation, so naming the band after who is clearly the best character was a no-brainer really! We also take a lot of inspiration from the series’ eerie atmosphere and darker themes.

2. Why did you want to play this genre?

We wanted to play this genre because we have always loved it! Growing up, we listened to many bands with a similar sound (Pretty Reckless, Bring Me the Horizon, etc.), and it inspired us to want to do it ourselves. During Uni, Halestorm in particular was probably our biggest inspiration when we first started the band. The pitch screams by Lzzy Hale are just insane.

3. Did you know each other before the band was formed?

We did! We all met on a diploma course and then continued into University. We worked together on small projects throughout the first few years and then in the third year, we all started to play music together.

4. Each band member's favorite band?

For Alicia it's Mcfly, Alfred is definitely Motorhead, while Will's is Green Day

5. Who or what inspires you to write songs?

Inspiration can come from lots of different areas, sometimes you hear a song and think, "I want to write something like that" and other times you can just be messing around and suddenly you hear something that you like and think, “I need to make something out of this!”

We often take inspiration from films and series too, both lyrically and atmospheric tones. First was The World’s End (Simon Pegg and Edgar Wright) and our most recent single Limbo was inspired by Manga & TV show Alice in Borderland.

6. Where was your last gig?

Concorde 2 in Brighton supporting Metallica Reloaded. It was probably one of our favourite gigs to date and both Metallica Reloaded and the audience that night were incredible. It also happened to be our guitarist Alfred’s birthday so we celebrated pretty hard too after playing!

7. Where would you like to play?

In the short term, we would love to play around the country, to places we have never played before. In the longer term, it's our dream to play abroad, however, I'm not sure which we’d like to play most. Maybe Japan?

8. Who would you like to support?

We'd love to have the chance to tour with Marmozets, they have been a big inspiration to us, and it would be amazing to have the chance to play with them. Also, other bands such as Hot Milk and Red Hook would be incredible.

9. Who not?

We always want to play in an inclusive space, and we want everyone to feel welcome at our shows - anyone who would disrupt that, not them.

10. Have any of you ever suffered from stage fright? Any tips for beginners on how to beat that?

Yes, some more than others but we definitely all had pre-stage nerves at our most recent gig at Concorde 2. We were just pacing around backstage waiting to go on, and the closer it got to show time, the more people filled the room, so nerves were at an all-time high. We've found the best thing you can do is to remind yourself that everyone out there watching wants you to have a good show, and how much fun it is to be able to perform for them.

Life is too short to talk yourself out of doing something that you love.

11. What bands have inspired you the most?

Mostly bands such as, Bring Me the Horizon, Halestorm, Hot Milk, Marmozets to name a few. And more recently Poppy.

12. What's the weirdest thing a fan has ever asked you for?

Nothing too weird (yet!), we have been asked to sign a few posters and take selfies (which we’re still getting used to - in the best way). One guy once requested we have a shot with him though, that was pretty cool.

13. What do you think of your fans?

We have met so many amazing people at our shows. They always bring so much energy and have the nicest things to say. It still surprises us sometimes that people will just take the time to seek us out after a show and give really specific and heartwarming feedback. With a few of us being a little introverted at times, we feel really touched that people go out of their way to do this and/or buy a shirt. Speaking to fans after a gig feels just as rewarding as it is to perform for them.

14. What do you think of our site?

It's awesome! It gives everyone a chance to hear amazing bands who make great music, which people would rarely get the chance to find otherwise. Love to all industry members who support grassroots bands.

15. Something to add?

You can check out our latest single Limbo (See you on the other side) on YouTube and Spotify and keep your eyes peeled for what's coming up in 2025.

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