Interviews: Tria Prima
On this new occasion, we had the opportunity to interview the Death Metal band Tria Prima from Ukraine. All the questions have been answered by vocalist-guitarist Ruslan Hrytsiuta.
1. Where did you get the idea for the band name, did you plan it or come out just like that?
From the beginning, we decided that our main theme would be alchemy so we were looking for something suitable in terms of this theme. After some research, our bassist Serg came up with the idea for us to pick Tria Prima `cause it`s very original and since there are only three of us in the band it suited even better.
2. Why did you want to play this genre?
Because in this genre I can use my full potential as a vocalist and guitarist.
3. Did you know each other before the band was formed?
Before Tria Prima and our drummer Yura and I started to collaborate in the Mankind Wrath band
4. Each band member's favorite band?
Mine is Death, Serg`s is Atheist, Yand ura`s is Morbid Angel.
5. Who or what inspires you to write songs?
Can`t say that I have any sort of inspiration from someone or something specifically for writing, but I can say that I was rather inspired by Steve Vai to start and for now continue my overall musical journey.
6. Where was your last gig?
My last gig was at a place called Pleasantville in Zhytomyr, Ukraine with Mankind Wrath
7. Where would you like to act?
On some huge festivals. Also, I really want at some point to perform our music with an orchestra.
8. Whom would you like to feature with?
Steve Vai.
9. Whom not?
Fred Durst.
10. Have any of you ever suffered from stage fright? Any tips for beginners on how to beat that?
Can`t say about others `cause I genuinely don`t know. As for me, I didn`t, maybe a little bit when I first performed in college orchestra `cause it was my first performance ever but it was only `cause I`ve never done it. I have only one tip - drink beer and relax :)
11. What bands have inspired you the most?
Death, Suicide Silence, Rollins Band, Pink Floyd.
12. What's the weirdest thing a fan has ever asked you for?
For now, there weren`t any weird things but I`m looking forward for that to happen.
13. What do you think of your fans?
For no,w I don`t have any fans except my girlfriend so I can say she`s pretty girl :)
14. What do you think of our site?
Love it.
15. Something to add?
Listen to our debut EP "Three Primes of Alchemy" and be prepared for our LP. Who knows maybe it will be released sooner than you think.
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