Track By Tracks: Lunar - Tempora Mutantur (2025)

About the album as a whole (LYRICALLY & MUSICALLY):
The album deals with something we can all relate to: the passing of time. Lyrically and musically you will experience some of the highs and lows we all feel along the way.


1. A SUMMER TO FORGET – the album starts off with a song that sounds a bit upbeat musically (heavy with the horns) despite a fairly dark lyrical theme: dealing with memories, how we sometimes forget what we wish we wouldn’t and cling on to what we wish we could forget.

2. FALL BACK INTO OLD HABITS – this is the longest song on the album and one of the heaviest. Mostly having growl vocals and multiple shreddy guitar solos. Lyrically dealing with addiction, or anything we do that can give us temporary relief to help us get through rough moments, but ultimately have terrible long-term effects on ourselves.

3. SEASONAL INTERLUDE – this song is a bit of a breather. We take some self-reflection in knowing that the bad times will pass and, though it may not be immediate, the good times will come again. Musically it’s soft and emotional with some beautiful cello work before exploding into a heavy ending with a very avantgarde saxophone solo

4. WEAKENING WINTER TOUCH – this song deals with the feelings of weakness and powerlessness over our own circumstances. Often asking “why?” or “what did I do to deserve this?” Musically I think this is a very powerful song, heavy on the synths with a catchy and powerful chorus.

5. SPRING IN MY STEP – a much more upbeat song with an awesome main guitar riff, dealing with the relief of hitting a positive point in time. We’ve gotten through the bad times and hit a good high… but how long will it last?

6. TEMPORA MUTANTUR: PART I – PASSAGE OF TIME – the first of a 3-part song. The soft piano piece where we look back and reflect on what we’ve had and what we’ve lost, ending with a beautiful set of harmonica and guitar solos

7. TEMPORA MUTANTUR: PART II – BROKEN PENDULUM – the second part deals with the anger we feel over what we can’t get back. Likely the heaviest song on the album

8. TEMPORA MUTANTUR: PART III – WATCH THE WEATHER CHANGE – the final chapter where we deal with denial and mental vacancy. A good balance of heavy elements, but with a catchy chorus.

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