Behind The Tracks: Oobris Ios - Dostratis Satod Duvon Xagon (Single) (2025)

Jordan S.: I really just tried adding what I thought was musically appropriate and inherently, a human element, being single takes throughout each song. I found The Faceless, Toto, and the Dark Souls series to be good sources of inspiration at the time. It was nice being able to track from home to send ideas back and forth, and we also had the luxury of time, which I think helped bring out the best of our abilities at the time of recording. I had a lot of fun working on this project with Jordan and Ryan, and I look forward to this release, as well as creating new material in the near future.
Ryan: ‘Dostratis Satod Duvon Xagot’ is the third track I wrote for the EP and is roughly translated to mean ‘Are Never With Them’ which means those that do not bathe in the darkness the Entity provides will never be with them. I wanted a heavy dissonant classical orchestra-like feel to the song, with the title chant feeling like it’s sending non-believers through a singularity to never be seen again. It was important that I was able to add some black metal elements, as well as down-tuned tubular bells which I feel worked really well for the songs mid-section. It came together pretty easily for the most part! I think the biggest challenge really was finding the sounds of screeching and bending metal for the break. I went through so many samples to find just the right haunted sound.
Jordan: My approach to the song was envisioning a chant of sorts, like hordes of hell at the gates ready to charge in and destroy everything. It was a big challenge learning the dialect of the ancient language and another challenge translating. I was really pushed outside of my comfort zone in many ways causing some really experimental approaches. It was a challenge, but I’m really proud of what came of it.

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