Interviews About Albums: Amenspear - A Casket Of Relics (2025)

In this new interview, we sat down with the American Progressive Black Metal band Amenspear to ask questions about their album, "A Casket Of Relics".

1. What can you say about A Casket of Relics?

A Casket of Relics is a 26-minute long track that I wrote and recorded about 2 years ago. It takes the listener through several different sections, some black metal, some thrashy, some melodic and doomy. There's definitely a heavy Opeth and Agalloch influence throughout. It's fairly unique among all the songs I've written, even newer ones I haven't released yet. But I think that's what makes it great, definitely one of the best songs I've ever written!

2. What is the meaning of the album name?

Without sounding too pretentious, it's kind of a double meaning. On one hand, the music is made up of older riffs and ideas that I stitched together, which actually came out very cohesive. So I called these old riffs "relics" in a tongue-in-cheek kind of way. And then lyrically it speaks of various things I was thinking about in the season I was writing the song. Namely: growing apart from an old friend, insecurity, and worthless casual sex. And the last verses of the song resolve to put these old ways behind me, hence they are like relics put away in a casket forever.

3. Which one is the composer of A Casket of Relics?

Amenspear is a solo project, so it's just me in my home office writing and recording all the music. My wife doesn't seem to mind too much...except when I'm recording my screams!

4. If you had to pick one song, which one would you pick?

A Casket of Relics is a single-song EP, but if one were to divide it up into different sections I think the last 6 minutes or so would be my favorite. It's a pretty epic riff-fest. But if I can do a plug here, I also have a full-length album out on my bandcamp and Spotify too, called "Vaera". If I could pick one song off that one, it'd be Patriarch.

5. Is there a special message in A Casket of Relics? If there is what it is?

Most of my lyrics are kind of like journal entries of my life, there's not really any preaching or intended messaging. But I'm just a regular metalhead guy with (I think!) regular life experiences, so I do hope that listeners resonate with the songs. I think a lot of listeners around my age (I wrote the song when I was 29) can sympathize with that feeling of entering a new stage of your life, when you want to put the old bullshit behind you.

6. Are there some lyrics that you'd love to share?

Sure! I'll share this verse from about the middle of the song:

"Here we are yet again
She disguises herself in a different form
Isolation chamber at a feast
Naked in bed and down with the beast
Watching yourself from the outside
Insecure slave to the ego
Soulless machines on the inside
Your body to your spirit, a placebo"

7. Which inspirations have been important for this album? Like musically or friends, family, someone you'd love to thank specially?

For this particular EP/song, definitely Opeth is the biggest musical influence. No surprise, they are my favorite band in general. I think listeners would also detect some Enslaved and Agalloch in there too. And shout out to my wife, all my family, and my friends as well!
8. Something to add?
Just that I hope everyone enjoys the song and continues to check out Amenspear's music. "Vaera" is my debut which I put out in September 2024 and is some great epic thrashy black metal. And I have lots of new music I'll be releasing throughout this year and going forward. Expect things to get a little proggier and a little more death metal, but still always retaining that black metal base. Thanks for listening!

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