Band Biographies: Goaten

The Brazilian heavy metal band GOATEN was founded in early 2018 in the metropolitan region of Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul. The band members are Francis Lima on bass and vocals, Rafael DrinkWine on drums, and Daniel Limas on guitar. Their music is primarily based on traditional 80s heavy metal, influenced by bands like Judas Priest, Accept, and King Diamond.

In 2019, the band released their first singles, "Soul Decay" and "Mistress of Illusion". While preparing for the release of their debut EP, the trio toured Rio Grande do Sul and other states in the southern region of Brazil.

In March 2020, the band dropped their debut EP titled "The Following", featuring 5 tracks. It was released on CD by the Cianeto Discos label and on streaming platforms, receiving positive reviews from both national and international critics.

In March 2021, GOATEN released the first single from their second EP, titled "Bells". This song was featured on the soundtrack of the film "The Macabre" by Grime House Films. In October 2021, the band released the 5 tracks from their second EP, "Crimson Moonlight", on digital platforms, keeping the partnership with Cianeto Discos for the CD release, as well as a special cassette edition, combining their two EPs, under the Czech label Tapes of Terror Records.

In 2022, the band began production of their first full-length album. The first single, "Phantom Chaser", was released in October of the same year, in the LP 7” format. The album “Midnight Conjuring” was released on November 22nd, 2023, keeping the partnership with Cianeto Discos. The track “Metal Blade” will be the soundtrack for the upcoming film “Infernal”, also directed by Eric Mathis, consolidating the band’s partnership with Grime House Films.

Francis Lima - (51) 984531294


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