Behind The Scenes: SPIRALIST - Baptism By Fire (Official Video)

Hi. This is Bruno Costa, from Spiralist, and this is the "behind-the-scenes" story of our newest single, "Baptism By Fire".

We shot "Baptism By Fire" with Mestria, our frequent collaborators on all things visual, on a few different places/sets across our hometown of Porto, Portugal. What we established from the get-go was that the visuals had to be a perfect complementary piece to the song's themes and emotional qualities, and also represent the album's aesthetic. From a post-production standpoint, that translated into a heavy use of grain, glitches, and "noise", so as to portray the VHS-esque quality found throughout the new album.

The song tells the story of a traumatic relationship with a sociopath who uses gaslighting, ghosting, and the unverifiable promise of a terminal disease to manipulate the narrator. He then begins failing to discern between truth and lie, and his own savior complex drives him to the brink of a mental collapse. This essentially meant that there were two sides of the same coin we needed to convey: the manipulation, and the search for the truth.

Whilst we could have simply filmed the band performing for the sake of a more kinesthetic visual approach, we figured we could make it one way of subtly showing manipulation, as the band members have several red wires attached to their limbs from above. These scenes, along with shots of me figuring out how the metaphorical pieces of a puzzle are meant to be put together, were shot inside a factory, but only the ceiling is occasionally visible, and the aforementioned wires hung from a forklift outside of the frame. We also had a large piece of black cloth hanging behind the band members for the playthrough shots, so as not to distract the audience from the action.

Other scenes were shot in Porto's city center. For a few seconds, our friend Jéssica Barros, who also collaborated on the visuals for our first album, "Nihilus" appears as the sociopath/manipulator, and her scenes were shot in the studio of a friend of the Mestria team. There are also several shots of myself walking in the streets of Porto, in search of this person who, according to the song's story, has mysteriously disappeared. We filmed in streets such as Santa Catarina and Entreparedes, and we got some fairly cinematic frames from the famous Silo Auto parking lot too.

We are very happy with the final result, and we feel the music video marries the song, and the album, perfectly.

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